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  • Bio
  • Key Info
  • Profile Picture
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We are thrilled to have you join our expert community!
Let's put a face to the name and get your expert profile up and running.

What belief underpins your work? What mantra do you live by? Your tagline is a way to condense your motivations for being a Simple expert into one to two sentences. This should be short, sweet, and give our members an initial idea of the perspectives you bring to the private wealth space.
Your tagline is followed by 2-3 paragraphs which add credibility by briefly detailing your experience to date, within either private wealth or your area of expertise. Use this section to further clarify what you can offer and why it's important.

Finally, the key info section lets members understand at a glance where you're based, what your core interest domains are and what services you can offer.

Where you are based
The region(s) you operate/do business in
Interests: select the three key interest domains to your work here.
Other Interests: if your interests are not covered in the previous field list them here.
Services: select three key services you offer as an independent consultant.
Other Services: if your services are not covered in the previous field list them here.

In order to put a face to the name, we'll need two high-resolution photos of you: a headshot (min. 500x500px) and a portrait photo (min. 800px).

Please submit all of the information requested in this form before your first content piece for Simple is due. We will send you a preview of your profile before publishing.


8 characters with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 numeric character and 1 special character.

Simple solutions for complex times.