CoinFLEX is a crypto derivatives exchange and yield platform for both passive capital investors and active traders. They focus on yield products, providing access to flexUSD, an interest-earning stablecoin that pays investors interest every 8 hours on-chain.

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Products and services

The platform offers innovative solutions such as flexUSD — the world’s first interest bearing stablecoin — and AMM+, the most capital–efficient automated market maker for today’s investors.

About the business

CoinFLEX resolves the settlement issues with cash-settled Bitcoin futures contracts currently offered in the market and provides high leverage methods to hedge Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency exposure.


CoinFLEX was founded in 2019 by Mark Lamb and Sudhu Arumugam.

About the owners and the team

Based in Mahé, Seychelles, CoinFLEX is run by a global team managed by Mark Lamb, CEO of the company.


  • 14b

Secondary focus

  • 14a (- 14b)

Number of clients:

  • 14f

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