Why more family offices are looking to private equity for high returns and long-term success

As public markets face macroeconomic headwinds, such as global inflation, geopolitical unrest, and a preeminent recession, more family offices are exploring private equity as an alternative approach to preserving wealth. In this article, we dive into why it is an attractive option for family offices and examine the three most common ways family offices engage with this asset class.
family offices investing in private equity

What you need to know

  • Private equity is becoming a more attractive alternative to preserving capital as public markets face macroeconomic headwinds.
  • Family offices investing in private equity have advantages over private equity firms in terms of time frame and purpose.
  • Family offices can invest in private equity in three main ways: direct investment, co-investment, and investing in a private equity fund.
Private Equity Updated on January 18, 2024

Private equity is becoming a more popular alternative to preserving capital as public markets face macroeconomic headwinds. In this article, we dive into why it is an attractive option for family offices and examine the three most common ways family offices can get involved.

What is private equity?

Private equity is an alternative investment class in which investors buy shares in privately held companies. Their primary goal is to generate higher returns that outperform public markets. Think of them as high risk, high reward. And in the perfect scenario, that would be the equivalent of investing in Steve Jobs and Steve Wazneyick in the 70s before Apple Inc went public in 1980. As an alternative investment, private equity is not accessible to the public, as their financial information is not subject to regulatory oversight. Instead, access is limited to institutional and accredited investors with a minimum of $250 000 to participate in private funding rounds.

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