Kate Bright

I’m a Chartered Security Professional working with private clients & Family Offices to support their holistic security. The intersection of physical, digital, reputational and emotional security is my expertise.
Kate Bright

Kate Bright has 27 years of private client-facing experience in the Private and Family Office sector and is now a Secure Lifestyle Advisor as CEO & Founder of UMBRA International Group. She is one of 6.88% female Operators and one of 30 female Chartered Security Professionals of 300 globally.

UMBRA as a business is a unique Security Concierge and Secure Lifestyle services business, working across generations of international clients and their families. We offer recruitment, advisory and project management services to keep our clients holistically safe. We are on a mission to make security and the industry more accessible and make the world a safer place.

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Insights Kate Bright has written

Holistic security: The four pillars for family offices

Holistic security: The four pillars for family offices


Simple Expert Kate Bright, the Founder and CEO of Umbra, introduces the four-pillar approach to address the security needs of modern family office clients.